Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Writing Days

Since I'm not under contract with any house, my writing days are those that I chose. I have no deadlines, other than those that I create myself, or those created by my agent so she can do her magic. I still consider my "writing days" to be those that inspire me to sit down and let the words flow out. Unfortunately for me, at this point in my life, writing days are not every day. Oh how I wish they could be.

During a recent #kidlitchat on Twitter (or maybe it was #yalitchat--I truly don't remember) one published author insisted that she wished that she were unpublished, that sometimes the deadlines seemed like too much, and that dare she say, it pushed on her creativity.

Her comments saddened me. I love my writing days - they are days that I specifically set aside for writing, that I don't look at my email, or answer the phone. It's like I create a little cocoon and let my mind do it's work. I have a constant cup of coffee or tea on my desk and my iPod earbuds are rocking away that project's playlist. I'm usually alone, except for the dog, and I don't even notice time passing.

If you're published (or on contract), how do you feel about your writing days? Are they hectic or do they flow like they used to?

If you're unpublished (and not under contract), what are your writing days like?

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